Current list of signatories to the two EDMs about the atheist bus ads:
That this House notes the recent advertising campaign based on London buses, There's Probably No God, the brainchild of the British Humanist Association; also notes the fact that the rationale behind it is that people can be less careful about their lifestyle choices and general approach to life's consequences by discounting the likelihood of a Creator and an afterlife; and recommends to Christian groups considering alternative advertising approaches to There's Probably No God to counter it with the simple addition of But What If There Is?
There is no change to the Hall of Shame for this EDM, it’s still six:
Conservative Party
- Scott, Lee (Illford North)
- Winterton, Ann (Congleton)
- Winterton, Nicholas (Macclesfield)
Democratic Unionist Party
- Campbell, Gregory (East Londonderry)
- Simpson, David (Upper Bann)
- Spink, Bob (Castle Point)
The second (and much worse) EDM:
That this House notes that posters with the slogan `There's Probably No God. Now Stop Worrying and Enjoy Your Life', appear on 800 buses in England, Scotland and Wales, as well as on the London Underground; notes that this causes concern to Christian and Muslim people, many of whom feel embarrassed and uncomfortable travelling on public transport displaying such advertisements and would not wish to endorse the advertisements by using that public transport; regrets that the British Humanist Association backs the campaign; and calls on Ministers responsible for public transport and advertising media to investigate this matter and to seek to remove these religiously offensive and morally unhelpful advertisements.
Sadly, the Hall of Shame for this EDM has increased by two since the last update, there are now nine inductees (new entries marked with a star):
Democratic Unionist Party
- Campbell, Gregory (East Londonderry)
- Simpson, David (Upper Bann)
- Spink, Bob (Castle Point)
Labour Party
- Cryer, Ann (Keighley)
- Dobbin, Jim (Heywood & Middleton)
- Drew, David (Stroud)
- Singh, Marsha (Bradford West)
- Williams, Betty (Conwy) *
Liberal Democrats
- Hancock, Mike (Portsmouth South) *
I’ve linked the MPs to their They Work For You profile. I suggest that you write each of them a quick email, and ask if they think that atheists are entitled to equal protection under the law, and the equal right with religious people to publically express our opinions.
Disgusting. Who are they to decide what is moral and what is not? Isn't UK suppose to separate Church and State, and shouldn't they be the defenders of this notion, as elected people?